Media Files

Media files are files associated with a specific attribute on a specific product. They can be uploaded and downloaded through Akeneo.NET

Upload file

In order to upload a file, use the FileUpload class. In order for a successful upload, all properties must be set:

  • Product Identifier: the identifier of the product
  • Product Attribute: the attribute code for which the file should be associated with. The attribute should be a FileAttribute attribute
  • File Path: The path to the image.

Below is an example of of a correctly created FileUpload

var fileUpload = new MediaUpload
    Product =
        Identifier = "nike_air",
        Attribute = "product_image_large"
    FilePath = "C:\\images\\nike_air.png"

Upload the image by calling UploadAsync

var response = await Client.UploadAsync(fileUpload);

The call returns an AkeneoResponse that hold information about the outcome of the operation.

Download file

A file is downloaded through by supplying it’s mediaCode. If the media file is recently uploaded, the media code can be retrieved from the links collection in the AkeneoResponse.

var response = await Client.UploadAsync(fileUpload);
var mediaCode = response.Links[PaginationLinks.Location].Href;

Otherwise, it can be retrieved from the product values.

var product = await Client.GetAsync<Product>("tyfon-tv-6m-0m-company");
var logoValue = product.Values["product_image_large"];
var mediaCode = logoValue.FirstOrDefault()?.Data as string;

Once the code is retrieved, it can be used as argument when calling DownloadAsync. The resource contains the original file name, as well as a Stream containing the image. There are extension methods for writing the file to disk.

var file = await Client.DownloadAsync(mediaCode);
file.WriteToFile("C:\\downloads", file.FileName);

If a file name is not provided, the original file name will be used.